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1.  Southeastern Connecticut Water Authority Meetings:

Notice is hereby given that the regularly scheduled meetings of the Authority will be held at 5:15 PM on the following dates:


               January 14                                                    July 8

               February 11                                                  August 12

               March 11                                                      September 9

               April 8                                                          October 21

               May 13                                                         November 18

               June 10                                                        December 9


Authority meetings are held at the SCWA office, which is located at 1649 Route 12, Gales Ferry Commons, Gales Ferry, CT.                                                         


2.  SCWA Representative Advisory Board Meetings:

Regularly scheduled joint meetings of the SCWA Representative Advisory Board and the Southeastern Connecticut Water Authority will be held at 7:00 PM, at rotating locations, on the following dates:


               Date                                    Location

               January 17                           Montville Public Safety Building, Uncasville, CT

               April 18                                Groton Public Library, Groton, CT

               July 18                                 Waterford Public Library, Waterford, CT     

               October 17                           TBD (To be determined)


3.  All meetings are open to the public.




                                                                                    Joseph C. Cansler


© 2014 SCWA


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