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Minutes Of The January 16, 2014 Meeting of The

Representative Advisory Board To The

Southeastern Connecticut Water Authority

Waterford Public Library

Waterford, CT



1. Call to Order and Roll Call

Chairman Callahan called the meeting to order at approximately 7:00 p.m.

Representative Advisory Board: (RAB) Members:  Carol Russell, East Lyme; Raymond Archibald, Griswold;  Marian Galbraith and Betsy Gibson, Groton City; Mary Lou Smith and Dean Antipas, Groton;  John Geary, Montville;  Michael Macina and Robert Shabunia, North Stonington;  Rodnie Bowie, Norwich; Steven Colli, Preston; Vice-Chairman Dennison Allen, Sprague; Secretary Sally Taylor, Stonington; Chairman Jeffrey Callahan, Stonington Borough; and Kristen Widham, Waterford.

Authority Members:  Chairman Edward Monahan, Vice-Chairman Harry Watson, Treasurer Paul Eccard, Barbara Lee Franciosi, Peter Balestracci and Nicholas Mullane.


Authority Staff: Gregory Leonard, General Manager


Other: Attorneys Eileen Duggan and Ryan Jaziri, SCWA Legal Counsel

2. Public Comment  - None.

3. Approval of Prior Minutes – Vote Required

On motion of Mr. Colli, seconded by Mr. Geary, the minutes of the October 17, 2013 meeting were unanimously approved, as distributed.


4. Report By The Authority Chairman

Chairman Monahan presented the Authority report, with highlights as follows:


Miller’s Pond

Discussions on Miller’s Pond continue, exploring the water supply possibility as well as the open space value of the watershed lands in Waterford and Montville. In December, letters were sent to Montville and Waterford town planners referencing the open space value in relation to the towns’ Plans of Conservation Development. The Waterford Land Trust has been approached for support in permanently protecting the Miller’s Pond watershed area.


Interaction Between SCCOG and SCWA

Dr. Monahan has met regularly with SCCOG and attends regional water supply functions. Mr. Leonard participates on the SCCOG Regional Water Committee Technical Advisory Subcommittee (TAS). The TAS has been discussing an Intra-Regional Emergency Response Plan regarding the Thames Interconnection. The TAS has recently conducted a workshop on desalination. SCWA has discussed with the South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority and the TAS the potential of an inter-regional water supply interconnection which could possibly be able to deliver up to 10 million gallons-per-day to our region.


Town of Franklin – Advancing Public Water Supply

The Town of Franklin has asked SCWA to explore providing water to the northern section of Route 32; possibly purchasing water from the Windham Water Works. SCWA and SCCOG worked together to develop estimates of water demand, projected to be 80,000 gallons-per-day. SCCOG is Franklin’s town planner.


DEEP Proposed Stream Flow Classifications

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) has issued a “Public Notice of Proposed Stream Flow Classifications, Southeast Coastal, Pawcatuck & Thames Major River Basins”. DEEP accepted written comments on the proposed Stream Flow Classifications until December 31, 2013. Dr. Monahan filed written comments on behalf of SCWA.


Independent Audit

The independent auditor completed the FY 2012 annual audit on July 12, 2013, and forwarded it to the CT Office of Policy & Management (OPM), the Representative Advisory Board (RAB) and the Authority. The audit report identified a material weakness, stating that adequate segregation of duties does not exist, pertaining to the revenue collection process. A corrective action plan has been fully implemented and forwarded to OPM and the auditor. The FY 2013 audit will be completed soon and the Finance Committee will report the findings to the full RAB. The auditor for FY 2014 must be selected by the RAB no later than May 30, 2014.


Meter Replacement Project

The meter replacement project is essentially completed, with radio-read meters installed at customer premises. The Data Profiling capability of these meters aids in water conservation and water use information.


Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) Emergency Generator Grant/Loan Program

DPH has authorized SCWA to acquire two new generators; and grant/loan applications are pending for three additional generators.


5. Report By The Chairman of the Representative Advisory Board

Chairman Callahan noted there were vacancies on various RAB committees including the following: Customer Appeals, Legislative and Public Relations. Several RAB members volunteered to serve on the committees. He referenced that the geographic area of the Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (SCCOG) was in the process of being rearranged, with the net result of an increase in the number of municipalities within the SCCOG district. There was a discussion which questioned if the SCCOG changes could impact the geographic area of SCWA’s district. There was agreement that this matter should receive further review and consideration.


6. Appointment Committee Report

Mr. Macina reported that the RAB Appointment Committee was recommending the following nominations:


Authority Member – Paul Eccard

RAB Chairman – Dennison Allan

RAB Vice-Chairman – Dean Antipas

RAB Secretary – Sally Taylor


Chairman Callahan asked if there were any nominations from the floor, of which there were none.


7. Authority Appointment – Vote Required

On motion of Mr. Macina, seconded by Ms. Smith, the RAB voted unanimously to appoint Mr. Paul Eccard of Quaker Hill as an Authority member for a term to expire on December 31, 2018.


8. Election of Representative Advisory Board Officers – Vote Required

On motion of Mr. Macina, seconded by Mr. Jackson, the RAB voted unanimously to elect the following RAB officers for one-year terms:


Dennison Allen, Chairman

Dean Antipas, Vice-Chairman

Sally Taylor, Secretary


9. Representative Advisory Board Member Reports – None.


10. New Business – None.


11 Executive Session – Related to SCWA Audit

Mr. Jackson moved that the Representative Advisory Board, along with Authority members, SCWA General Manager Gregory Leonard, Attorney Eileen Duggan and Attorney Ryan Jaziri, enter into Executive Session pursuant to General Statutes 1-200(6)(B) and/or General Statues 1-200(6)(E) and

1-210(b)(B), to discuss financial information provided in confidence and related to the SCWA audit and/or pending litigation related to the same. Seconded by Ms. Widham. The motion passed unanimously. The RAB entered into executive session at approximately 7:30 p.m. The RAB ended the executive session at approximately 8:05 p.m. Chairman Callahan noted that no motions or votes were taken during executive session.


12. Adjourn

On motion of Mr. Shabunia, seconded by Mr. Antipas, the meeting adjourned at approximately

8:15 p.m.




Sally Taylor, Secretary

SCWA Representative Advisory Board

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