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Draft Minutes of the September 25, 2017 Special Water Authority Meeting

Southeastern Connecticut Water Authority

1649 Route 12, Gales Ferry, CT




1.  Call to Order

Chairman Monahan called the meeting to order at approximately 5:15 p.m. 



Authority:  Chairman Edward Monahan, Vice-Chairman Harry Watson, Treasurer Paul Eccard, Peter Balestracci, Barbara Lee Franciosi, Nicholas Mullane, and Michael O’Connor.   


Authority Staff:  General Manager Cansler


2.  Discuss Emergency Water Supply Agreement

Chairman Monahan stated that since the last Authority meeting our Attorney, Nick Kepple, has been working diligently with the attorney representing Groton Utilities regarding revisions to the Emergency Water Supply Agreement between SCWA, Groton Utilities, and the Town of Ledyard.  The agreement is required by DPH before they provide a funding package to Groton Utilities, which is contingent on them installing emergency water main interconnections between all five SCWA Ledyard divisions, and the Ledyard WPCA system. 


General Manager Cansler stated that he had provided two copies of the most recent version of the agreement to each Authority member.  One version showed all of the changes that have been made, and the other version was a clean copy with all of the changes accepted. 


Chairman Monahan said that he and Mr. Cansler had met again with Attorney Kepple just prior to the special meeting, to discuss the revised agreement.  He said for the most part they were happy with the agreement, though they had requested a line be added regarding protection of Exclusive Service Areas after installation of the interconnections.  The rest of the Authority agreed that this was a good idea.  Mr. Cansler said that most of the changes requested at the last Authority meeting had been added to the agreement.


Chairman Monahan asked Ray Valentini of Groton Utilities, who was in attendance, to give his opinion of several items in the agreement that Groton Utilities had added.  Other members of the Authority also asked questions of Mr. Valentini.  Several members were concerned about the wording of the paragraph regarding Water Use Restrictions, and after some discussion requested that a few words be added to ensure that water use restrictions requested by Groton Utilities during emergencies not apply to SCWA divisions not receiving water from Groton Utilities through the Ledyard system. 


At the conclusion of the discussion regarding the Emergency Water Supply Agreement, Mr. Eccard made a motion for the Authority to authorize the Chairman to review and sign the final agreement, on behalf of the Authority, once changes requested by SCWA during the meeting have been addressed in the agreement.  His motion, seconded by Mr. O’Connor, was approved by a vote of 7-0. 





3.  Annual Audit Management Representation Letter

Mr. Cansler stated that he had provided copies of the Management Representation Letter, which was required before the FY 2017 Annual Audit, conducted by Sandra Welwood, LLC, could be released to the State.  This letter, which essentially states that SCWA supported the audit in all areas required by law, has to be signed by the Chairman, and General Manager.  On motion of Mr. Eccard, seconded by Mr. Watson, the Authority unanimously authorized the Chairman and General Manager to sign the letter.


4.  Adjourn

On motion of Mr. Eccard, seconded by Ms. Franciosi, the Authority adjourned the Special Meeting at approximately 6:10 p.m. 



                                                                                              Joseph C. Cansler                                                                                                                                                                                                             Secretary





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