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Southeastern Connecticut Water Authority

Report On August 27, 2015

Representative Advisory Board

Public Hearing on

Proposed Rate Increases



1.  Public Hearing Opened

At approximately 6:35 p.m., Dennison Allen, Chairman of the Representative Advisory Board opened the public hearing on Southeastern Connecticut Water Authority’s (SCWA) proposed 5% increase in its water service rates and fees with the projected implementation date of November 1, 2015.  The hearing was held at the Montville Emergency Services Building, 911 Route 32, Uncasville, CT.  The following Representative Advisory Board members were present:


SCWA Representative Advisory Board (RAB) Members

Carol Russell and Mark Nickerson, East Lyme; Mary Lou Smith, Groton; Timothy Norris, Ledyard; John Geary and Anthony Siragusa, Montville; Chairman Dennison Allen.


SCWA Authority Members

Chairman Edward Monahan and Vice-Chairman Harry Watson.


SCWA Authority Staff

General Manager Josh Cansler


Outline Of The Public Record And Materials For Public Review

Mr. Cansler outlined the public record of the proposed rate increase, as follows:


  • On July 16, 2015, SCWA advised the Representative Advisory Board of the impending proposed rate increase.


  • On July 27, 2015, SCWA Chairman Monahan formally notified Chairman Dennison Allen of the proposed rate increase, with a copy sent to Vice-Chair Antipas.


  • On July 31, 2015, information regarding the proposed rate increase was sent to the chief elected officials in the four municipalities where there are SCWA water systems: Ledyard, Montville, North Stonington and Stonington. 


  • The August 17, 2015 edition of The Day included a “Public Notice” as follows:




The Representative Advisory Board to Southeastern Connecticut Water Authority (SCWA) announces a public hearing on SCWA’s proposed 5% increase in its water service rates and fees, to be effective on November 1, 2015.  The public hearing is at 6:30 p.m. on August 27, 2015, at the Montville Emergency Services Building, 911 Route 32, Uncasville, CT. 


                                                           Dennison Allen, Chairman

                                                           Representative Advisory Board to SCWA   


  • On August 20, 2015, the region’s municipal clerks were notified of the August 27, 2015 public hearing.  The public notice was also posted at SCWA’s office in the customer contact area. 


  • On August 26, 2012, a press release on the public hearing was distributed to The Day and The Norwich Bulletin.


 Printed materials were available for public review at the public hearing, as follows:


  • SCWA Memorandum to the Representative Advisory Board Chairman, dated July 27, 2015


  • Fiscal Year 2016 Projections


  • Proposed Rate Schedule


  • History of SCWA Residential Rates from 1977


  • State of Connecticut Comparative Billing Tabulation


  • List of Service Areas


  • Representative Advisory Board and Authority Roster


Public Comment Period

A question was asked about whether some SCWA division cost more to operate than others, and about the possibility that maybe customers from one division were paying for other divisions operation cost.  General Manager Cansler explained that it was hard to quantify the operating cost of each division because in addition to having a small staff that maintained all of the divisions, many of the other costs for maintenance and treatment overlapped.  Mr. Cansler also stated that the age and density of each neighborhood affected costs as well.  He stated that since all of the divisions operated with similar type systems and wells, he felt confident that over a long period of time operating costs most likely leveled out.


Public Hearing Closed

At approximately 6:55 p.m., Chairman Allen closed the public hearing.



                                                                                                Josh Cansler, Secretary                                                                                                                                                                                                   Southeastern Connecticut Water Authority

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