Due to a Security Upgrade with our vendor, you will need to re-register as a new customer in order to log in to pay. The Quick Pay is active if you choose not to use the Log In feature. For customers who have signed up for auto payment, your payment will be processed on the due date indicated on your bill.
Thank you!
We have licensed the CodeRED Community Notification System to help disseminate important or critical information.
We encourage you to click on the Join CodeRED link below, or text SCWA Alerts to 99411 from your mobile phone, and enter your contact information, including additional phone numbers, and text and email addresses, to ensure all of the data in our system is accurate and current.
If you know of anyone who did not sign up who lives in a Southeastern Connecticut Water Authority Service Area, please encourage them to sign up or text SCWA Alerts from their mobile phone and enter their information.
If you need help, please contact SCWA directly at 860-464-0232 for assistance.
Hours of Operation
Emergency After Hours
Please Call
Contact Us
​We would love to hear from you!
P.O. Box 415
Gales Ferry, CT 06335
News & Information
2023 Water Quality Reports
Lead Service Line Material Inventory Per Division
Did you know that SCWA owns and operates 25 Public Water Systems?
Find out what Division you live in by clicking the Links Below!
September 1, 2022
Residential Rate Schedule Summary
Lead in Drinking Water
Water Conservation tips!